Regional Crop Update 6/25

Jun 25, 2024

Cedar/Scott County, IA
Eastern Iowa has received 2 to 4 inches of rain over the last week. Between rain showers, growers and retailers have found time to near the end of soybean post-spraying and top dress urea. Corn is growing fast with plenty of heat and moisture. Diseases have started to show up as well and we have already seen gray leaf spot, rust, and tar spot. Y-drop applications have started and should continue in the next few weeks. Soybeans that haven’t been post-sprayed have weeds that are getting some size. Make sure to use herbicide rates that are high enough to prevent having to respond later.

Sperry, IA
The crop in SE Iowa is back on track despite setbacks early in the season. Some of the later planted corn is still behind, but it’s progressing nicely. Rains have been timely throughout June and have aided in plant development. The increased moisture has led to increased disease in the corn, with reports of tarspot becoming more frequent in certain areas. As we progress in the season, disease management in the corn will become necessary with tarspot this early in the season. Compaction also plays a big role with hardpans becoming increasingly visible as the plants progress.

Kasbeer & Annawan, IL
Most of the area received some much-needed moisture over the weekend. Totals for Thursday night through Sunday range from 1.5” to just above 2”. Before this rainfall, much of the corn crop was already showing at least early signs of stress from the warmth and dry weather that began in the last couple of days in May. Overall, 2024 continues to provide above-average temperatures and, thus, above-average growing degree units. As of Sunday, the area has accumulated over 1,400 GDUs, an average of 1,091 up to this point. This trend, which was the main factor in causing many weeds to emerge ahead of schedule, is now responsible for the earlier-than-normal emergence of insect and disease pests. Japanese beetles and stink bugs have begun feeding and showing signs of light to moderate damage in corn, with most feeding beginning on field edges. These pests have started earlier than usual and will soon move to soybean fields. Disease pressure in corn had already started to be as small as V7 corn, with anthracnose, gray leaf spot, and common rust spotted consistently across our territory this past week.

Galva/Camp Grove, IL
Summer has well and truly arrived in Northern Illinois, with 9 of the last 14 days’ high temperatures exceeding 90 degrees. Accumulated rainfall was variable, 0.3-2.4”, and so was the crop condition. Growth stages range from V10-V14 for corn; most soybeans have reached R1. Corn planted on April 24th has accumulated about 1100 GDUs. Fungicide season is just around the corner, and growers should closely monitor their corn’s maturity to ensure proper application timing. Keep an eye out for Tar Spot, as sightings have been confirmed in Iowa, Indiana, and Missouri.

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Sep 10, 2024
Even as fall approaches, farmers are already planning for the following planting season. Ensuring your soil is well-prepared and nutrient-rich is essential for successful yields. This year, consider enhancing your crop yields and soil health with MicroSync Pro, a cutting-edge micronutrient fertilizer designed to meet the needs of modern agriculture. Here’s why MicroSync Pro should be your go-to choice this fall.
Aug 22, 2024
Our account managers took over 800 samples between Iowa and Illinois, on August 19th through the 22nd. The summary of yield averages are shown below, providing insights into potential corn and soybean production. 

To view updates from this past week on social media, visit the RVCTwitter account @RVCooperative or search the hashtag #RVCcroptour24
Aug 01, 2024
Every year, River Valley Cooperative asks its over 3,200 farm business owners to vote for representation in our boardroom. Nine of our member-owners serve on your River Valley Cooperative board, representing the rest of the owners. Iowa board members include Brent Daufeldt, Neal Keppy, Nick Novak, Matt Parrott, and Joe Sperfslage. Illinois board members are Brian Corkill, Randy Haars, Doug Nelson, and Ken Nelson.